Hhhhhhmmmmm. It's been a tough and emotional week. David wrote his exams Tues, Weds and Thurs. It was pretty intense but as usual David remained calm and focused and gave it his all. Me on the other-hand? I've had a knot in my tummy all week and today feel like I could burst into tears at the drop of a hat!!! It's quite a strange experience going through something so intense but not being in the driving seat.
But there have been lots of rays of sunshine:
1. Snuggling up everynight to watch episodes of prison break back to back to help David switch off
2. Lovely emails and texts from my Mum, Ella and Liz counting down the days with me.
3. A new dress!! Bought on impulse but it's fab. Rusty orange sweater dress that will go with my brown boots!
4. 2 amazing work-outs - great music, fast paced, pain, sweat, pain but it felt great.
5. Not being busy today so I can go to a lunchtime pilates class in 20 mins
6. The furniture guy who built our bed figuring out a way to add some metal 'toes' to it to lift it up higher so we have storage under the bed and it not costing too much to do this! I am very excited about having more space to store things!!
I feel better for writing this!!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Bright and beautiful this week....

1. The anticipation of seeing my favourite little boys -gorgeous, adorable, too cute for words -Fin and Ewan over the weekend. I can't wait. Who can resist a smile like these?
2. Madeline Peyroux - I am late to discover her but I am so glad I did. Her album Half the Perfect World has had an extremely calming effect on me this week.
3. 45 members signing up to Y.E.S! This is a networking/fundraising initiaitve I am helping to set up designed to raise funds for Dress for Success Vancouver. It's so cool to have created something for scratch that other people are excited about, joining and spreading the word. Check out the website - I am quite proud of it. www.yesvancouver.org
4. David's home-made burgers - mmm, mmmm, mmmmmmm
5. Reading Maui Revealed. An excellent guidebook that is helping me plan our trip!
6. Apartment Therapy - another good book and website www.apartmenttherapy.com that is helping me declutter and create a vision for our new home.
7. Squeezing into my 'skinny' jeans again after months of banishing them to the back of the closet. Those ab, butt and thigh classes are finally starting to pay off! (Yes, even in spite of item #4)
8. The beautiful, fresh, September sunshine.
9. My favourite Cherry Blossom Roll at Kamei Royale - salmon, avocado roll wrapped in melt in your mouth tuna.
10. It's now only 90 days until my M&F come to visit me!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
One of those moments

Sometimes some of the hugely significant moments in your life pass by without you realizing their importance until after the fact. There are others that you just know deserve a starring role. I love this picture for so many reasons (not least the fact it means we will shortly moving in) but also because as I look at it I can imagine it being one of those photos we keep forever and one day our children and grandchildren will pour over, just I have, startled by the fact that David and I were once young and had lives before them and how old fashioned it all looks! This picture signals the beginning of a new chapter for us and I am so excited I could burst. I hope I look back at this picture and remember the giddy happiness and pride we were both feeling as this image was snapped.
Slowly slowly...

... I am trying to banish bad apartment habits and learn new ones. I want to make sure that we do our lovely new home justice and I am fed up with not being able to find anything and living in a jumble.
Here's a first step -- organized beads and necklaces on this little jewelery tree made by Umbra. It's very pleasing!! I am debating whether to buy a second one of these but think it might be overkill?
Friday, September 7, 2007
A small victory
One of my biggest challenges is staying on track with good eating and exercising when work is crazy. It becomes a vicious circle leaving me tired and grumpy.
Last night I had a small but sweet victory, after a frantic day and clients still calling at 6, i confidently asked if I could possibly speak to them in an hour instead - to my surprize that worked better for them, I made it to my gym class and then back to the office.
After sweating and squeezing (it was an ab, butt and thigh class!!) for an hour there was no way I was diving into the chinese my colleagues had ordered. And after a long night of working, I still feel good today because i kept the things I need to do feel good constant and didn't step on the rollercoaster of work taking over.
So that's my pat on the back. Now I've just got to keep doing it!
Last night I had a small but sweet victory, after a frantic day and clients still calling at 6, i confidently asked if I could possibly speak to them in an hour instead - to my surprize that worked better for them, I made it to my gym class and then back to the office.
After sweating and squeezing (it was an ab, butt and thigh class!!) for an hour there was no way I was diving into the chinese my colleagues had ordered. And after a long night of working, I still feel good today because i kept the things I need to do feel good constant and didn't step on the rollercoaster of work taking over.
So that's my pat on the back. Now I've just got to keep doing it!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Blackberries and Bunnies

Last night I went blackberring at the park alongside Jerico Beach. I went last year so it was nice to do it again, it's now offically a Louise September Tradition.
Hot blackbery and Apple crumble is one of my favourite Autumunal treats. I can't wait to cook it up into a deep sweet mix and freeze it for a rainy sunday afternoon.
In my hour of blackberry picking I smiled to myself at two little reminders the blackberries kindly shared with me...
I marched up to the blackberry bush in great anticipation and immediately saw lots of shriveled up pods - oh no i thought, my shoulders slumping in extreme disappointment, I've left it too late, there's nothing here at all. I stayed glued to the spot though and after a minute or two I spotted one blackberry here, another there..and before I knew it I had quite a collection. Funny how sometimes you have to look a little harder, or just stand still for a moment to see what's in front of you.
The other thing that made me smile is that the fat, plumpest, juiciest berries were always just out of my reach!!! I got a few cuts and scars trying to reach for them but decided to be happy with my lot!!
I didn't take a picture of the berries because as I looked up - look what I saw instead 4 little bunny rabbits nibbling on the grass!! Who knew there were rabbits near the beach! I love Vancouver. I don't know many places where you could spend an evening like this 15 mins from the city centre.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
This is the life!

I still have moments when I have to pinch myself that this is my life! Last night was one of them! Janine and Mike invited us to go sailing with them! It was a gorgeous day that promised to end with a beautiful evening. I accepted and tracked David down via a friend (he is the last person in the world not to have a cell phone) to let him know the plan. I skipped out of the office at 4, a quick stop at the liquor store for some Granville Island largers and we were changed and our way. Janine is a member of the Royal Vancouver Yaught Club which is right near Jerico Beach. They have a great set up on Tuesday nights experienced sailors take out the novices to show the ropes and have a relaxing hour or so on the water. I must admit I can't remember much of what we learnt other than a refresher of a special 'bunny knot' I first learnt at Brownies. We sailed out to UBC and back. We picked up some speed and 'raced' another boat, cruised for a while and watched some small boats called lazers race. Back on the patio pitchers of beer and plates of nachos were waiting for us - oh and the most beautiful sunset!
Monday, August 13, 2007
And here's the chef - ha ha ha
Still day dreaming!

Here are our ACTUAl appliances in our ACTUAL apartment! This is from a couple of weeks ago where the kind-hearted builders let us check out our new place! We were really impressed with how lovely they were - all of them seemed very proud of their work and told us we would have a beautiful home. So nice to know that the people that our building our home care about it too. I am glad it is being built with TLC. Yesterday, Ella and her (identical twin sister) Emma and I took a detour back from Bard on the Beach to check it out. We managed to sneak into the courtyard to get a good peak, it was the first time I had been there with girls and it was lovely to have others to jump up and down in excitement with. David's just not a jumper!!!!!!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Not long to go

This picture is keeping me going!! It's our new kitchen!! Well its the kitchen in the house next door to the one we have bought and they have promised ours will be the same. In a month or so that kitchen will be mine!!!!! Look at all the cabinets!!!! They all have doors (unlike current kitchen!) and they just scream out to be filled with lovely treats, filled with the aroma of baking and neatly organized supplies in matching jars etc. It's a far cry from my current set up where packets are scrunched down, drawers are jam-packed and the cutlery drawer is a game of matching pairs.
Needless to say this is ALL to do with the small kitchen space and poor set up in the current apartment. Nothing to do with me!
Well that's not true at all so I am starting to break bad habits and get the kitchen organized BEFORE we move. Only rice and flour in labelled jars will be allowed to make the transition!!!
There's a lot to happen in the next month, while I am cleaning out and trying to organize our life, David is exercising every single brain cell every single minute of every day to get ready for the UFE. He is so tired! He falls asleep before his head hits the pillow and its clear its one of those deep deep sleeps.
It strange to think that we are on the brink of moving forward to the next stage of our life. This apartment has been about lots of challenges!! Me settling in to Vancouver, David and I settling in together, David studying studying studying. It's been a highly emotionally charged apartment! Laughter, tears, happiness, love, frustration -often in the same day! In about 6 months, the exams will be behind us and we'll have our own home. YIPPPEEEEEEEE! But I think when the time comes I'll be pretty sad to let go too - but for now I'll focus on getting ready for those cabinets! xox
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Grey Day
It's grey today and the impact it has on my mood is incredible! I mean I just can't function as well or as quickly when the weather is like this - especially in August. A latte and a packet of maltesers helped momentarily but (as I knew they would) left me in more of a slump afterwards. Anyway, I have been wasting time and day dreaming all day - most of this means looking at other peoples' blogs and reading articles on-line.... and as my eyes started to glaze over reading about other peoples' joyful summer days at water parks, family reunions and all the delightful summer recipes they made I started to feel bad for letting my blog go and then bad for being caught up in a day dream about how my life might be in the future without celebrating all the great things going on now. All of this is a long-winded way of saying I am back! Let's see if I can keep it up -I'd like to! xox
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Full of the joys of spring
Spring is here!!! We've had weeks and weeks of rain and now the sunshine is back and unless it is being a serious tease is giving the impression it is here to stay. I can't wait for the summer. Vancouver is spectacular in the summer time. The city comes alive.
The weather really does have an impact on my mood! I was wondering yesterday why I felt so good! And it was because the vitamin D had started to kick in! Lots of other good things have happened recently too....
1. Ewan Christopher Misfeldt was born on May 4, 2007. He is gorgeous and Fin, my godson, is already showing what a wonderful big brother he is going to be. I was honoured to look after Fin on this special day. Ella was at the hospital with Scott and her Mum and Dad and I was in charge of Mr Finlay! What a day. It was only a week ago but I swear I've already looked back on it in my mind hundreds of times and smiled at all the wonderful moments here are a few... Finlay was asleep when I arrived so he was a little surprised to see me when I went into his room after hearing his morning gurgles. There is nothing quite like a little one when they've just woken up. I just can't describe how adorable he was looking up at me with his hair ruffled from sleep and his eyes big and wide trying to figure out who this strange girl was in his bedroom. He had a few shy moments where he threw his head back down on his cot trying to hide from me but the trusting little guy he is he soon came into my arms. Other highlights - playing with the balloon, taking a walk down to Deep Cove, watching him scoot around his home and search out his toys like he had been doing so for years and, my favourite, looking back at the backseat of the car at traffic lights and seeing him there in the car seat just grinning back at me! Ella describes it perfectly. He sits in his little car seat like it is his throne and he is a king, resting his arms on the little arm rests happily watching the world go by.
I will treasure the memories of taking Fin to the hospital to meet Ewan forever. I can only imagine what was going through his little mind as we walked into the room to see his Mummy in bed feeding his brother. His eyes widened and he let out a happy cry and then pointed towards Ewan. Before long he was clambouring on the bed to meet him and to give hugs and kisses to mummy and daddy. I admit I had tears in my eyes. What on earth will I be like when I have children of my own!!! I also said many thank you's that day to my Nanny who was the one who put me in touch with Ella when I moved to Vancouver. I often thing that it was her gift to me to help me cope with being so far away from my family.
2. So it's hard to beat that highlight but here is another one - all those 'kicks in the butt' paid off!!! Yep that's right I did it! My second half marathon. Wow I never thought I'd be able to say that! I surprised myself and ran it 10 mins faster than last year. My time was 2:12 opposed to 2:22. It was an amazing feeling crossing the finish line. As for the rest of the race it was hard and the main reason it was hard is I was just thinking a lot of negative thoughts, I truly didn't feel like I could do it and I was battling those thoughts as much as the marathon course. It's crazy but true. I must have won the battle because I did it and now that I look back I can remember exhilarating moments on the course. Thanks so much to Dorry and Karen for cheering me on and Nigel's friend Paul who hardly knows me but has a big enough heart to give his jacket to a sweaty girl whose lips were turning blue at the finish. I really missed David's hug at the finish line - he is in Guatemala at the moment - but it was so lovely to go home and find an email congratulating me on a great time and a great race (before he had even heard from me) he had faith when I didn't!
3. And here's an exciting one - David and I bought a townhouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are so excited. It is gorgeous and perfect for us. It is brand spanking new! So new in fact it is not going to be ready until mid August. I am preparing to make daily site visits to fuel the builders up with coffee, red bull, energy bars, whatever it takes to ensure it is on track because I can't wait for us to move in! That whole experience of buying a place was really interesting. Lots of anxiety and trial and error and uncertainty of what would happen and what we'd do and then somehow it all sloted into place and it was just right. I love it when that happens and you know what, more often than not it does. So why don't I remember that the next time I begin the process of trying to do something new or work something out??!
4.Other highlights have been moments rather than big events - lots of long chats with my parents lately, we are getting excited for a week in Spain together, my friend Dorry calling me as soon as she got back from her holiday with a message congratulating us on our place that was just so sincere - I love it when people are genuniely thrilled for you; my friend Katharine joining me at a family dinner when she didn't know anyone and arriving with a huge bouquet of flowers; seeing Julie, David's sister so happy after completing the half marathon; an invite from my friend Scott who I used to sit next to at work in London to meet him in San Fran in June (er - YES!) and the chance to tag on a weekend trip to Montreal this weekend before meetings on Monday. What perfect timing. I am home alone and I think a break in a city that is meant to be beautiful and european in its feel will do me the world of good plus i've got a few months before I have to start paying that mortgage so I may as well make the most of it with some retail therapy!!!
More blogging over the weekend to report on Montreal. xxxxx
The weather really does have an impact on my mood! I was wondering yesterday why I felt so good! And it was because the vitamin D had started to kick in! Lots of other good things have happened recently too....
1. Ewan Christopher Misfeldt was born on May 4, 2007. He is gorgeous and Fin, my godson, is already showing what a wonderful big brother he is going to be. I was honoured to look after Fin on this special day. Ella was at the hospital with Scott and her Mum and Dad and I was in charge of Mr Finlay! What a day. It was only a week ago but I swear I've already looked back on it in my mind hundreds of times and smiled at all the wonderful moments here are a few... Finlay was asleep when I arrived so he was a little surprised to see me when I went into his room after hearing his morning gurgles. There is nothing quite like a little one when they've just woken up. I just can't describe how adorable he was looking up at me with his hair ruffled from sleep and his eyes big and wide trying to figure out who this strange girl was in his bedroom. He had a few shy moments where he threw his head back down on his cot trying to hide from me but the trusting little guy he is he soon came into my arms. Other highlights - playing with the balloon, taking a walk down to Deep Cove, watching him scoot around his home and search out his toys like he had been doing so for years and, my favourite, looking back at the backseat of the car at traffic lights and seeing him there in the car seat just grinning back at me! Ella describes it perfectly. He sits in his little car seat like it is his throne and he is a king, resting his arms on the little arm rests happily watching the world go by.
I will treasure the memories of taking Fin to the hospital to meet Ewan forever. I can only imagine what was going through his little mind as we walked into the room to see his Mummy in bed feeding his brother. His eyes widened and he let out a happy cry and then pointed towards Ewan. Before long he was clambouring on the bed to meet him and to give hugs and kisses to mummy and daddy. I admit I had tears in my eyes. What on earth will I be like when I have children of my own!!! I also said many thank you's that day to my Nanny who was the one who put me in touch with Ella when I moved to Vancouver. I often thing that it was her gift to me to help me cope with being so far away from my family.
2. So it's hard to beat that highlight but here is another one - all those 'kicks in the butt' paid off!!! Yep that's right I did it! My second half marathon. Wow I never thought I'd be able to say that! I surprised myself and ran it 10 mins faster than last year. My time was 2:12 opposed to 2:22. It was an amazing feeling crossing the finish line. As for the rest of the race it was hard and the main reason it was hard is I was just thinking a lot of negative thoughts, I truly didn't feel like I could do it and I was battling those thoughts as much as the marathon course. It's crazy but true. I must have won the battle because I did it and now that I look back I can remember exhilarating moments on the course. Thanks so much to Dorry and Karen for cheering me on and Nigel's friend Paul who hardly knows me but has a big enough heart to give his jacket to a sweaty girl whose lips were turning blue at the finish. I really missed David's hug at the finish line - he is in Guatemala at the moment - but it was so lovely to go home and find an email congratulating me on a great time and a great race (before he had even heard from me) he had faith when I didn't!
3. And here's an exciting one - David and I bought a townhouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are so excited. It is gorgeous and perfect for us. It is brand spanking new! So new in fact it is not going to be ready until mid August. I am preparing to make daily site visits to fuel the builders up with coffee, red bull, energy bars, whatever it takes to ensure it is on track because I can't wait for us to move in! That whole experience of buying a place was really interesting. Lots of anxiety and trial and error and uncertainty of what would happen and what we'd do and then somehow it all sloted into place and it was just right. I love it when that happens and you know what, more often than not it does. So why don't I remember that the next time I begin the process of trying to do something new or work something out??!
4.Other highlights have been moments rather than big events - lots of long chats with my parents lately, we are getting excited for a week in Spain together, my friend Dorry calling me as soon as she got back from her holiday with a message congratulating us on our place that was just so sincere - I love it when people are genuniely thrilled for you; my friend Katharine joining me at a family dinner when she didn't know anyone and arriving with a huge bouquet of flowers; seeing Julie, David's sister so happy after completing the half marathon; an invite from my friend Scott who I used to sit next to at work in London to meet him in San Fran in June (er - YES!) and the chance to tag on a weekend trip to Montreal this weekend before meetings on Monday. What perfect timing. I am home alone and I think a break in a city that is meant to be beautiful and european in its feel will do me the world of good plus i've got a few months before I have to start paying that mortgage so I may as well make the most of it with some retail therapy!!!
More blogging over the weekend to report on Montreal. xxxxx
Thursday, April 26, 2007
So I read somewhere that some people are naturally very spongy. And I think I am one of them. Nope, this doesn't refer to the squidgyness of my thighs rather the way of being like a sponge and literally soaking up the energy and moods of other people.
There is no reason for me to be grumpy or stressed or in a bad mood. None whatsoever. All's well in my world. Sure I am busy and have a lot going on but until the next lunar cycle all is calm and managable! But because there is a strong stress and grumpyness vibe going on at work at the moment I am finding myself feeling the same way. In part it is because I just don't like it when people aren't friendly (there really is no need for it and I am sure it takes more effort not to smile than to smile) and I automatically think that I am the reason for their bad mood (oh god, he's grumpy because I am such a bad employee! oh no I must be bad company!) but also because they are sending off negative vibes and my wave lengths are picking them up even though they are set to positive. Honestly, its is equally as annoying as when the radio stations mix up and go crackly!!!!
Anyway that is what has happened today but I am feeling better now I've realised it. Any tips on not picking up this 'interference'?!
There is no reason for me to be grumpy or stressed or in a bad mood. None whatsoever. All's well in my world. Sure I am busy and have a lot going on but until the next lunar cycle all is calm and managable! But because there is a strong stress and grumpyness vibe going on at work at the moment I am finding myself feeling the same way. In part it is because I just don't like it when people aren't friendly (there really is no need for it and I am sure it takes more effort not to smile than to smile) and I automatically think that I am the reason for their bad mood (oh god, he's grumpy because I am such a bad employee! oh no I must be bad company!) but also because they are sending off negative vibes and my wave lengths are picking them up even though they are set to positive. Honestly, its is equally as annoying as when the radio stations mix up and go crackly!!!!
Anyway that is what has happened today but I am feeling better now I've realised it. Any tips on not picking up this 'interference'?!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Forget about the big picture
every now and again. Put away your training manual. Quit overthinking it. Run for today.
This is kick in the butt # 92 and its just what I need to hear in preparation for tonight's 6 miles with a killer hill run. I am running with Julie and Nigel who will both kick my butt so I need to just run it to feel good and enjoy the fresh air, scenary and to clear my head not to be obsessing about not being able to double the distance in just 11 days time.
Running stands for no nonsense. The minute a negative thought comes into your head that's it your body slows down and stops. If that is what happens when you are running the same is true (although less obvious) in all other areas of life. It's a good reminder. So tonight, I will just enjoy my run, if I have to stop and walk I will but it won't be because I am telling myself I can't do it.
Come to think of it this kick in the butt is a good general kick - stop overthinking things, put away the plans and to do list and live for today...
PS - please give me extra brownie points because it is raining outside!
This is kick in the butt # 92 and its just what I need to hear in preparation for tonight's 6 miles with a killer hill run. I am running with Julie and Nigel who will both kick my butt so I need to just run it to feel good and enjoy the fresh air, scenary and to clear my head not to be obsessing about not being able to double the distance in just 11 days time.
Running stands for no nonsense. The minute a negative thought comes into your head that's it your body slows down and stops. If that is what happens when you are running the same is true (although less obvious) in all other areas of life. It's a good reminder. So tonight, I will just enjoy my run, if I have to stop and walk I will but it won't be because I am telling myself I can't do it.
Come to think of it this kick in the butt is a good general kick - stop overthinking things, put away the plans and to do list and live for today...
PS - please give me extra brownie points because it is raining outside!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
A weird thing
So I've just got home from an event for the Dress for Success charity I am involved in. It was incredibly successful and my part of it (to drum up interest in a new fundraising/networking initiative we are launching in the Autumn) went well. But here's the thing, I had some great girls volunteering to help me and somehow I had become the person who in their eyes was 'kind of there'.. I mean to say there was a group of tres cool beautiful girls wanting to get their break in PR - aka fresh blood - willing to volunteer to get experience, make contacts and meet people. For so long I've been that eager enthusiastic person helping out and still think I am (albeit it less of the chic and trendy more of a keener!) and then tonight somehow I was the person who was 'there' -they were helping me promote an initiative I was working on, keen to help out in anyway and I got to talk with the grown ups! It sounds silly but it was a moment to mark for me anyway!
So that was one bright and beautiful moment of today - other highlights include talking to Ella ( i am going to babysit Fin on Saturday, can't wait!) chatting to my Mum and joining facebook - who knew it was so cool? I feel popular for the first time ever and have reconnected with my best friend from when I was 12 until about 16! She reminded me that I was the queen of writing notes and passing them to friend during lessons at school. Goodness knows what I used to write but I suppose this blog and facebook fullfils an equivalent role for me now!
Better go, I have no wireless connection with my laptop so I am in the living room with david's hockey kit that is 'airing' out. Airing out of smelly hockey gear for days, rather than hours = suffocate, depress and distress me! If only those volunteers girls knew I was coming home to an apartment filled with a musty hockey fragrance as well as socks, shin guards, gloves, skates and goodness knows what else laid out on the living room floor to 'air', I don't think they would think I was so cool then!! Anyway that's all to say I must relocate to the bedroom and I need to lay down some ground rules to save my sanity- 12 hours of overnight airing is all that is going to be permitted from now on. Surely that's fair?
Goodnight! xox
So that was one bright and beautiful moment of today - other highlights include talking to Ella ( i am going to babysit Fin on Saturday, can't wait!) chatting to my Mum and joining facebook - who knew it was so cool? I feel popular for the first time ever and have reconnected with my best friend from when I was 12 until about 16! She reminded me that I was the queen of writing notes and passing them to friend during lessons at school. Goodness knows what I used to write but I suppose this blog and facebook fullfils an equivalent role for me now!
Better go, I have no wireless connection with my laptop so I am in the living room with david's hockey kit that is 'airing' out. Airing out of smelly hockey gear for days, rather than hours = suffocate, depress and distress me! If only those volunteers girls knew I was coming home to an apartment filled with a musty hockey fragrance as well as socks, shin guards, gloves, skates and goodness knows what else laid out on the living room floor to 'air', I don't think they would think I was so cool then!! Anyway that's all to say I must relocate to the bedroom and I need to lay down some ground rules to save my sanity- 12 hours of overnight airing is all that is going to be permitted from now on. Surely that's fair?
Goodnight! xox
I'm back
Sorry for the absence - here are some of the reasons
Weird things going on with internet connection at home. I can't get online with our connection on my laptop and the neighbour upstairs isn't sharing her wireless connection consistently!
We've been on a mad house hunt that is taking up lots of time and energy. It is quite overwhelming. Lots to learn and lots to watch out for. Luckily I have David on my team - he stops me getting overwhelmed and overexcited and whips out an excel spreadsheet to make up formulas and all sorts of other clever things that I hope will help us get a good place.
I've been running. Yup! It's true. I did the 7 mile run I was preparing for in my last post and have since moved up to 9 miles. I also ran the Vancouver Sun Run 5 mins quicker than last year!
I've been sleeping and a bit low on energy. See above!
But anyway I am committed to this blog so to the two loyal readers I have out there thanks for staying with me!
More later.... xox
Weird things going on with internet connection at home. I can't get online with our connection on my laptop and the neighbour upstairs isn't sharing her wireless connection consistently!
We've been on a mad house hunt that is taking up lots of time and energy. It is quite overwhelming. Lots to learn and lots to watch out for. Luckily I have David on my team - he stops me getting overwhelmed and overexcited and whips out an excel spreadsheet to make up formulas and all sorts of other clever things that I hope will help us get a good place.
I've been running. Yup! It's true. I did the 7 mile run I was preparing for in my last post and have since moved up to 9 miles. I also ran the Vancouver Sun Run 5 mins quicker than last year!
I've been sleeping and a bit low on energy. See above!
But anyway I am committed to this blog so to the two loyal readers I have out there thanks for staying with me!
More later.... xox
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Nearly time
"Running is a big question mark that's there each and every day. It asks you 'Are you going to be a wimp , or are you going to be strong today?" - Kick in the Butt #3.
It's 4.27pm - I've mapped out a 7 mile run for tonight followed by a 1 mile walk home. I've updated my playlist. I'll do my best to leave Wimpy Louise at home.
Wish me luck.
It's 4.27pm - I've mapped out a 7 mile run for tonight followed by a 1 mile walk home. I've updated my playlist. I'll do my best to leave Wimpy Louise at home.
Wish me luck.
Monday, April 9, 2007
101 Kicks in the Butt
That's the title of an article in a copy of the Runners magazine I've just picked up from the hotel gym! I appreciate a good headline and with 27 days left until the Vancouver Half Marathon I am most definetely in need of 101 kicks in the butt!!! So, eagerly I turn to page 68 for my first kick and guess what it is???
1. "Start a blog - where you post your daily mileage and then give out the web address to your friends and family. Do you really want Aunt Ellen to ask why you skipped your four-miler on Wednesday"
Well it's rather uncanny that I have just started a blog isn't it?!!! Little did I know it would help to motivate me to run!!! So my apologies in advance if I become a bit of a running bore in the next 27 days but I think I will follow this advice and tell the world what I am going to run. I don't have an Aunt Ellen to reprimand me if I don't do it so some of you will have to take her place. I am all for some tough love - as long as it is compassionate tough love!
So today I ran 5 miles on the treadmill in the hotel gym. This is good because I am tired from not sleeping very well last night (weird anxiety about today's meetings), long meetings today and I managed to resist the allure of the Westin's "Heavenly Bed" which is indeed heavenly.
It's not so good because I had to run those 5 miles to burn off the Jelly Belly jelly beans I devoured from the mini bar (i love this hotel but that is extreme temptation to the point of cruelty - why not stock the room with fruit and yoghurts to prevent weak souls like me from giving in? Seriously???) Plus, I wish I could have done more than 5 miles. In 27 days I need to run 13.5 miles!!!!!! But negative thinking won't help here - I am proud of my 5 miles, I didn't stop and I worked in some sprints. I guess the idea of this Running Magazine using a blog as a "kick in the butt" is for you to all hold me accountable so here's the plan for the week:
Tues - 2 mile fast run after my meetings before I leave for the aiport
Weds - 7 mile run - I think from my house to Kits beach and back will do it but I will have to check it out
Thurs - Rest :-)
Fri - 3 mile tempo jog
Sat - Rest :-)
Sun - The Sun Run 6.5 miles
Including today's run that will give me a weekly mileage of 23.5. I think that's what I should be doing at this stage in the game. Any experts out there please advise.
I'll end with "kick in the butt # 59 - Remember you almost always feel better after a run than before it". Very true. I'll have to remind myself of that tomorrow. I'll report back.
Got to go.. 5 am mountain time start tomorrow. Yawn.
1. "Start a blog - where you post your daily mileage and then give out the web address to your friends and family. Do you really want Aunt Ellen to ask why you skipped your four-miler on Wednesday"
Well it's rather uncanny that I have just started a blog isn't it?!!! Little did I know it would help to motivate me to run!!! So my apologies in advance if I become a bit of a running bore in the next 27 days but I think I will follow this advice and tell the world what I am going to run. I don't have an Aunt Ellen to reprimand me if I don't do it so some of you will have to take her place. I am all for some tough love - as long as it is compassionate tough love!
So today I ran 5 miles on the treadmill in the hotel gym. This is good because I am tired from not sleeping very well last night (weird anxiety about today's meetings), long meetings today and I managed to resist the allure of the Westin's "Heavenly Bed" which is indeed heavenly.
It's not so good because I had to run those 5 miles to burn off the Jelly Belly jelly beans I devoured from the mini bar (i love this hotel but that is extreme temptation to the point of cruelty - why not stock the room with fruit and yoghurts to prevent weak souls like me from giving in? Seriously???) Plus, I wish I could have done more than 5 miles. In 27 days I need to run 13.5 miles!!!!!! But negative thinking won't help here - I am proud of my 5 miles, I didn't stop and I worked in some sprints. I guess the idea of this Running Magazine using a blog as a "kick in the butt" is for you to all hold me accountable so here's the plan for the week:
Tues - 2 mile fast run after my meetings before I leave for the aiport
Weds - 7 mile run - I think from my house to Kits beach and back will do it but I will have to check it out
Thurs - Rest :-)
Fri - 3 mile tempo jog
Sat - Rest :-)
Sun - The Sun Run 6.5 miles
Including today's run that will give me a weekly mileage of 23.5. I think that's what I should be doing at this stage in the game. Any experts out there please advise.
I'll end with "kick in the butt # 59 - Remember you almost always feel better after a run than before it". Very true. I'll have to remind myself of that tomorrow. I'll report back.
Got to go.. 5 am mountain time start tomorrow. Yawn.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
A sunny sunday

I am now at the airport after another great day.
We had a lovely birthday breakfast for David - pancakes, fruit salad and coffee. I had to do a few hours work so David went out to help his David with a new fence they are building to keep the Deer out once the grapes are planted. We then had turkey left-overs for lunch and got to work on an egg hunt.
Thank you to David's family for humouring my new idea for an egg hunt. I picked up some small plastic eggs from the dollar store and instead of putting chocolates inside we put a slip of paper with a promise of something that we will do for each other! I did David's, he did mine, Len did Marion's, Marion did Lens and we each made one for Alice who made one for all of us. We then hid them outside and got to work finding them, along with chocolate eggs Marion had hidden. It was really good fun and now I have some lovely treats to look forward to from David - a day of cooking (breakfast lunch and dinner!!!), a massage, a promise to clean up his desk (aka "the disaster zone") and to make me some coffee his friend Travis brought back from Bali. Wow! There is a two month expiry date! Everyone did well - Len promised to wash cars, Marion to make special Urkrainian meals and David and I are going to take his grandma out for lunch and to the cinema!
David enjoyed his birthday I think! We have very different attitudes to birthdays. It isn't really a big deal to David. He likes having a birthday and always enjoys himself but it isn't the "Incredibly Special Occassion" that I like birthday's to be! We are starting to make our birthdays a good mix of how I like them to be and how David likes them to be. I set up a birthday table for David with balloons, banners and a gift display like I was always spoilt with when I was growing up and David helps to ensure it is a relaxed chilled out day - rather than ridiculously over planned and pressurized to be 'perfect' :-)
Happy Birthday David. You're the best.
I'll post pics of the birthday boy once I eventually find the connector cord for my camera. For now here is a picture of the view on the Kettle Valley Trail. I ran 5 miles along it yesterday - a good view helps to keep you running!
PS - If you'd like to see this view, we are looking for helping hands to help plant grapes for the May long weekend. It will be hard work but plenty of rewards in terms of sunshine, a beach 10 minutes away and lots of wine tasting. Leave a comment or email me if you are interested in joining us!
Happy Easter and Happy Birthday David!

We are in sunny Penticton for Easter this year celebrating with Marion, Len and Alice - David's parents and Grandma. It is heaven! The sun is shining and it feels so good to feel some sunshine on my skin. David has been working in the fields and is a million times happier than studying for CASB. I've been practising and learning some creative and domestic skills. Here are our decorated eggs - note my Easter Bunny! I also cooked a turkey yesterday for an early birthday dinner for David.
More blogging later when I am waiting at the airport in Kelowna to fly to Edmonton. Right now there is sunshine to soak up!
Happy Easter and Happy Birthday David!
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
You've made my day!

So I've just got home to find a parcel from the Easter Bunny for me (aka my mum). You've the best. And thank you for not believing me when I said I didn't want you to send any chocolate. I love it all - and the little hot cross buns are so lovely (they are minature and made of marizipan) how cool! Thank you so much.
PS - What's wrong with this picture? Can you guess?
All things bright and.. blah...
Today was a blah day. In spite of the sunshine I just couldn't get into a groove with my work, hence me finishing up at 9pm tonight. I hate that sometimes I work against myself - if only I had been speedier and on the ball earlier I could have enjoyed the evening instead of going home in the dark! Dagnabit. (Is that how you spell it D?)
Oh well. I guess it happens sometimes. I was also dumped today. Not by anyone of any significance but still it is hard not to take it personally! The girl I work out with who has asked her friend to be her training partner rather than me. Apparently it is nothing personal but I am convinced it is because I can't catch when we have to do these throwing exercises (I ducked a few weeks ago as she threw it really hard (deliberately I am sure) and it went into the smoothie counter!!). Anyway regardless of it apparently not being personal it feels a bit like I've been dumped especially as she gets to keep the time slot and the trainer and I've been given a man in his 50's to work out with. Now I am sure this guy will be much more fun than this miserable girl but still I am a bit put out by it (in case you couldn't tell). Luckily I am not going to be going to work out at the same time slot as her so won't need to see her prancing about with her friend with superior resistant training skills.
Anyway, this blog is designed to make me see the bright and beautiful in every day so enough of the blah. Here's today's B&B:
1. I wore a special necklace used to be Nanny's. It looks really nice with a new blue cardigan. It was reassuring to touch it throughout the day.
2. Cathy received a tres cool pink necklace I sent her as an Easter gift and she reports that she loves it! Yey!
3. Ella was given a surprise baby shower at work and sent me such a happy email about it. I love it when lovely things happen to lovely people.
4. I had sushi with my colleague before coming back to work late. It was nice to get to know him more. And the spicy tuna roll and cherry blossom roll were delicious.
5. I resisted my very strong at times urge to go and buy Cadbury's mini eggs. Feel virtuous.
6. My work is now done! I am going home! David is at hockey so I am going to watch a movie in bed. I rented The Illusionist ages ago so need to watch it before they send the bailifts round to collect it from me.
7. I have a blog and I love posting to it! It's very therapeutic after a day like this.
More tomorrow. I've lost the connector cord to upload the pictures on my camera I will try to find it so I can post more pics.
Oh well. I guess it happens sometimes. I was also dumped today. Not by anyone of any significance but still it is hard not to take it personally! The girl I work out with who has asked her friend to be her training partner rather than me. Apparently it is nothing personal but I am convinced it is because I can't catch when we have to do these throwing exercises (I ducked a few weeks ago as she threw it really hard (deliberately I am sure) and it went into the smoothie counter!!). Anyway regardless of it apparently not being personal it feels a bit like I've been dumped especially as she gets to keep the time slot and the trainer and I've been given a man in his 50's to work out with. Now I am sure this guy will be much more fun than this miserable girl but still I am a bit put out by it (in case you couldn't tell). Luckily I am not going to be going to work out at the same time slot as her so won't need to see her prancing about with her friend with superior resistant training skills.
Anyway, this blog is designed to make me see the bright and beautiful in every day so enough of the blah. Here's today's B&B:
1. I wore a special necklace used to be Nanny's. It looks really nice with a new blue cardigan. It was reassuring to touch it throughout the day.
2. Cathy received a tres cool pink necklace I sent her as an Easter gift and she reports that she loves it! Yey!
3. Ella was given a surprise baby shower at work and sent me such a happy email about it. I love it when lovely things happen to lovely people.
4. I had sushi with my colleague before coming back to work late. It was nice to get to know him more. And the spicy tuna roll and cherry blossom roll were delicious.
5. I resisted my very strong at times urge to go and buy Cadbury's mini eggs. Feel virtuous.
6. My work is now done! I am going home! David is at hockey so I am going to watch a movie in bed. I rented The Illusionist ages ago so need to watch it before they send the bailifts round to collect it from me.
7. I have a blog and I love posting to it! It's very therapeutic after a day like this.
More tomorrow. I've lost the connector cord to upload the pictures on my camera I will try to find it so I can post more pics.
Sunny and sluggish

It's a gorgeous day today. Here is the view from my office. I just took this a second ago. I love it! I still can't get over this is where I live and work. In the summer I can actually see little sea planes swoop into the harbour to land on the water.
My body is slightly out of sync with the weather today though I feel quite tired and sluggish. I haven't been able to get out of bed in the mornings! David beat me today and yesterday. I think it is because I have had two long runs in quick succession (the half marathon is a month a way!!) and my legs are tired and heavy. Nothing to do with good old fashioned laziness of course.
Anyway, my to-do list is getting longer and longer but I don't have much urgency to do anything about it. Eeek. I keep turning over the page and starting a fresh to do list complete with time allocations in the hope that it will be THE list that I follow and obey. It hasn't worked yet as the documents I am supposed to be reviewing are waiting patiently on the printer while I am writing this post.
But now I have confessed to the world that I am procrastinating I will get to it. Plus I want to be able to leave early to enjoy what promises to be a beautiful spring evening.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
20,000 words a day
I love reading the UK's Sunday Times. Reading the print edition of the Sunday Times is something I really miss. Canadian Sunday papers just don't come close. Getting and reading the sunday papers was a ritual for me. I loved picking it up at the tube station when catching one of the last trains home on a Saturday night. I loved going back to bed with the papers and a mug of coffee. I loved stretching out on the sofa with all the different supplements after a roast dinner. These were my favourite sunday things to do in England. I've tried to replicate it here but it doesn't work. I'm not sure why.
Anyway - to the point of this post - I still read the Sunday Time's online and love it. Here is an interesting article from today's edition. It rings true to me. Especially the part about women using on average 20,000 words a day compared to 7,000 for men!
Anyway - to the point of this post - I still read the Sunday Time's online and love it. Here is an interesting article from today's edition. It rings true to me. Especially the part about women using on average 20,000 words a day compared to 7,000 for men!
I want to try this!
To follow on my posts about wine, I've just found a recipe on The Sunday Times website that might just be my ultimate wine tasting! I am going to try it over Easter. I'll report back.
Chocolate and wine may sound like a strange combination, but this alcoholic drink, laced with everyone’s favourite ingredient, is surprisingly delicious. We tried out different brands of chocolate for this recipe, and Valrhona really was the best. The others were either too sweet or too bitter, but each to their own taste. Experiment with different types (milk or plain) and see which you prefer. Mas Amiel Maury (£10.99, from Nicolas; 020 7727 5148) is a strongish, sweet red wine that goes beautifully with chocolate.
Serves 4
1 bottle Mas Amiel Maury
75g Valrhona Tanariva (33% cocoa)
185ml skimmed milk
Bring the wine to the boil. Carefully set it alight and allow the flame to burn off. Continue boiling until the liquid becomes syrupy and reduces to about 150ml.
Grate the chocolate or finely chop into small pieces and put to one side in a saucepan. Bring the milk slowly to the boil, pour it over the chocolate and stir.
Add the reduced wine to the chocolate milk, heat and froth using a whisk or hand blender. Serve immediately.
Chocolate and wine may sound like a strange combination, but this alcoholic drink, laced with everyone’s favourite ingredient, is surprisingly delicious. We tried out different brands of chocolate for this recipe, and Valrhona really was the best. The others were either too sweet or too bitter, but each to their own taste. Experiment with different types (milk or plain) and see which you prefer. Mas Amiel Maury (£10.99, from Nicolas; 020 7727 5148) is a strongish, sweet red wine that goes beautifully with chocolate.
Serves 4
1 bottle Mas Amiel Maury
75g Valrhona Tanariva (33% cocoa)
185ml skimmed milk
Bring the wine to the boil. Carefully set it alight and allow the flame to burn off. Continue boiling until the liquid becomes syrupy and reduces to about 150ml.
Grate the chocolate or finely chop into small pieces and put to one side in a saucepan. Bring the milk slowly to the boil, pour it over the chocolate and stir.
Add the reduced wine to the chocolate milk, heat and froth using a whisk or hand blender. Serve immediately.
Finlay's first haircut
Wherever you are, it's your friends that make your world
A big reason compelling me to blog is to share my life in Vancouver with my friends and family in England. I want more than anything to keep close friendships in spite of the distance and incredibly annoying time difference.
When I first moved, I couldn't wait for the weekends because it was my time to catch up with England. That really kept me going for a while. But then I realized that I really had to start making my weekends here about my life here. Somehow I have gone from weekends that I struggled to fill to ones that are bursting the seams with activities and outlets. I LOVE IT. It is a much better place to be but it means that I am rarely home for hour-long phone conversations with my friends at the weekend and when I am at home the chances are they are already out and about enjoying their Saturday night. It's one of the hardest things about living so far from home.
So hopefully this blog will help to fill some of those gaps and give you all a taste of my life here. [Disclaimer - I will promote Vancouver as much as possible to try and lure you to visit me!!] It will help me feel closer to you to know that you know what I am up to. I hope you like peaking into my life! Leave me comments! Start your own blogs!
I feel really really lucky to have some amazing friends. Moving to Vancouver and starting afresh really made me realize how much female friendships completely enrich my life. At first I realized this because of the huge sense of loss I felt. There was a massive void in my life for the first year I was here and I really think it was because I had yet to make new friends and I felt the day-to-day closeness of my friends in England slipping away.
Two years later, I feel incredibly lucky. I have met the most wonderful girls here (you know who you are!). It's interesting making friends as you get older. I think what you don't have in terms of history together, you make up for in terms of being a current 'match' in terms of the qualities, traits, interests I have now. But that doesn't take away or change the relationships I have at home (note I am still calling it home!) there is nothing quite like that relaxed familiarity and comfort of people who know and love you and I have seen you through copious up's and down's. Very happy to have both. You're all the best.
When I first moved, I couldn't wait for the weekends because it was my time to catch up with England. That really kept me going for a while. But then I realized that I really had to start making my weekends here about my life here. Somehow I have gone from weekends that I struggled to fill to ones that are bursting the seams with activities and outlets. I LOVE IT. It is a much better place to be but it means that I am rarely home for hour-long phone conversations with my friends at the weekend and when I am at home the chances are they are already out and about enjoying their Saturday night. It's one of the hardest things about living so far from home.
So hopefully this blog will help to fill some of those gaps and give you all a taste of my life here. [Disclaimer - I will promote Vancouver as much as possible to try and lure you to visit me!!] It will help me feel closer to you to know that you know what I am up to. I hope you like peaking into my life! Leave me comments! Start your own blogs!
I feel really really lucky to have some amazing friends. Moving to Vancouver and starting afresh really made me realize how much female friendships completely enrich my life. At first I realized this because of the huge sense of loss I felt. There was a massive void in my life for the first year I was here and I really think it was because I had yet to make new friends and I felt the day-to-day closeness of my friends in England slipping away.
Two years later, I feel incredibly lucky. I have met the most wonderful girls here (you know who you are!). It's interesting making friends as you get older. I think what you don't have in terms of history together, you make up for in terms of being a current 'match' in terms of the qualities, traits, interests I have now. But that doesn't take away or change the relationships I have at home (note I am still calling it home!) there is nothing quite like that relaxed familiarity and comfort of people who know and love you and I have seen you through copious up's and down's. Very happy to have both. You're all the best.
Open the doors in your mind
So I was lucky enough to get another set of free tickets to a wine tasting event on Saturday night too (thanks Travis!). This was a good event and smartly marketed – “25 wines under $25”.
After my last blog posting, I felt a bit of a fraud going back for more as I pretty much declared myself a non-believer in Friday's post. So I decided to test my theory as much as the wine…..
So, it isn't a con. It is possible to smell and taste multiple and complex flavours rather than good and bad wine. To do so takes work and some education. You need to know about the types of grapes and soils and characteristics etc and as one winemaker suggested 'open the doors in your mind’. Philippe, the winemaker for Yellow Tail also suggested we buy a bottle of New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc, which has a strong flavor and work on smelling the asparagus in that wine. Once you get one smell, you brain and your senses start to get into the swing of things and you can pick up more. When I can face wine again I will buy some!
However, I do think that the marketers have gone completely overboard! In an attempt to set them apart and appeal to those with self-proclaimed sophisticated palates wine descriptions have become a creative writing exercise - citrus is now nectarine skins, minerals are crushed rocks. And this is what makes me suspicious about it all. I think a new brand could do really well by going against this and keeping things simple. [But sssh, I am going to save that idea to give to Len, David’s Dad who is planting grapes in the next month.]
Better stop now. David says my last post was a little long!!
After my last blog posting, I felt a bit of a fraud going back for more as I pretty much declared myself a non-believer in Friday's post. So I decided to test my theory as much as the wine…..
So, it isn't a con. It is possible to smell and taste multiple and complex flavours rather than good and bad wine. To do so takes work and some education. You need to know about the types of grapes and soils and characteristics etc and as one winemaker suggested 'open the doors in your mind’. Philippe, the winemaker for Yellow Tail also suggested we buy a bottle of New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc, which has a strong flavor and work on smelling the asparagus in that wine. Once you get one smell, you brain and your senses start to get into the swing of things and you can pick up more. When I can face wine again I will buy some!
However, I do think that the marketers have gone completely overboard! In an attempt to set them apart and appeal to those with self-proclaimed sophisticated palates wine descriptions have become a creative writing exercise - citrus is now nectarine skins, minerals are crushed rocks. And this is what makes me suspicious about it all. I think a new brand could do really well by going against this and keeping things simple. [But sssh, I am going to save that idea to give to Len, David’s Dad who is planting grapes in the next month.]
Better stop now. David says my last post was a little long!!
Friday, March 30, 2007
Green tea, apricots and crushed rocks

These were some of the 'notes' offered up by an Australian Chardonnay I tasted at the Vancouver Wine Tasting Festival last night. Green tea and apricots is a stretch for me but I suppose it might be possible for others, but crushed rocks? That is taking it too far!! And I promise I am not making this up - it appeared on the label of the Adams Road Chardonnay 2005.
Now I had a fantastic time at this wine tasting event and for the first hour or so I sniffed into the wine to try and detect some of these wild flowers and fruits, I swilled and then I sipped, well slugged, it back. I could tell if it was light or heavy and whether I liked it or not but really identifying the other delicacies was beyond me. But at this point I still bought into it. But by the time I reached the crushed rock description I started to wonder if this isn't all a big con. Can anyone really taste these things? Or is it a bit like that story "The Emperor's New Clothes"?
As an aside, I'll recap that story now in case it was just a British thing and it's a cool story in case you haven't heard it. Basically, the Emperor's dress maker for some reason had a grudge against the Emperor and decided to get revenge. The Emperor was very snobbish and needed to look very grand and important. He demanded that the dress maker make him the most lavish robe ever and search the whole kingdom for the best materials. After a few weeks the dress maker called the emperor for his first fitting. "Have you got the VERY best material?" roared the emperor to the dress maker. The dress maker responded not only had he got the best material it was very very special because it could only be seen by the wisest people. Well did the emperor ever like that. So, you might be guessing what is coming next..... and you're right on the mark. There was NO material! But the emperor of course didn't want to be accused of being stupid and went along with it. And demanded that all of his employees came to inspect the gown (as a way of seeing if they were clever or not) of course they all ended up seeing him butt naked! But the majority of them pretended they too could see the beautiful material. I forget the ending, perhaps the emperor caught a cold and died, or perhaps the dress maker just had a good chuckle!
Anyway, do you think all the thousands of people at this wine tasting could really taste the tropical fruit, bird and flower aromas they were supposed to be tasting? Can anyone? Or is everyone just pretending to prove they have a sophisticated palete?
On a different note, while i couldn't taste the caramel in my glass of Perrins Reserve Cotes Du Rhone Rouge, I could in this delicious milk and white chocolate caramel filled chocolate from Perdy's. I had to take a photograph it was so good. I had to try 4 of them to check I wasn't mistaken. That's probably why I don't feel too good today. Nothing to do with all those different grapes and tannins playing football with my brain cells of course.
Thanks Karen for the free ticket (she is with me in this pic). I had a great time with you. And of course I loved being "Media" and not having to queue!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Baby therapy

So I am not very busy at work at the moment! This is another reason why I have started this blog. I used to get really frustrated and demotivated by days with not much at all to do. I'd leave work feeling all depressed that I hadn't accomplished anything. Strange but true. But I am pleased to report that I've moved beyond that feeling!! The last few months have been really really busy so I am determined to enjoy this little lull as I know it is the quiet before another storm.
And I've really been enjoying it! And how timely that it has coincided with the spring sunshine (which unbelievably is still here!)
Yesterday, I left work early and had a perfect afternoon in the sunshine (yes it is still here) with my friends and their babies! Here is a picture of Katherine and her gorgeous little 7 day old girl Makena. Makena is beautiful and just perfect (she has really long eyelashes!). And here is Dorry with Benny, whose first birthday is fast approaching. Now, pre-Makena and pre-Benny both spending time with both girls was a lovely treat and I always left feeling so recharged from their company. Now with Makena and Benny on board that feeling has quadrupled!
I never knew how therapeutic babies and puppies can be. Well, let me re-phrase that, how therapeutic other people's babies and puppies can be!! Especially puppies! ( I didn't used to be much of a fan). Makena wrapped her perfect little baby hand around my little finger and Benny just made me smile every time he was let off his lead... he just bounded with so much excitement and joy and off he went in search of new friends and smells!
Add that to great conversation, walking along the seawall and glimpsing the snowtopped mountains in the distance and a delicious salmon tacone at Go Fish http://www.dinehere.ca/restaurant.asp?r=863 and I felt completely refreshed. (As an aside the planned 3.5 mile run for the evening turned into a 3.5 minute run but I don't think any amount of exercise could have made me feel as good!).
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Congratulations Cathy and Andrew

My sister and her boyfriend both got their first job offers as junior Doctors in Liverpool today. For Cathy it comes after 7 long years of working so hard and staying focused on her dream of being a Doctor. I haven't spoken to her much about it as she disappeared on MSN after telling me the good news. I expect she is at the pub celebrating. I certaintlyhope so! We both have a tendency to feel like such big news and milestones are a little anti-climatic. I hope this isn't the case today Cathy!!!
This is brilliant news for you and all the many people you will help and care for as you properly start your career. YEY! You rock!
Blowing away the cobwebs
The last few days have been sunny and blowy.
The combination of some vitamin D and a sharp cool breeze has blown away my winter cobwebs and brought me back to life. I have energy. I am antsy. I am ready to go! I think I am coming out of hibernation and as spring starts to peek out from behind the clouds, I am finding a spring in my step once again.
So it's no surprise that my decision to dip my toe into the inviting but also slightly intimidating ocean of blogging coincides with a surge of spring energy. I am sure other people are busy cleaning out cupboards and using those power washers on their patios but since those aren't options for me (cupboards beyond help, balcony covered in hockey gear, bikes and dead plants) I thought I'd start to write.
All things bright and beautiful is the first line of a hymn I used to sing at school. It is a spring like hymn and popped into my head the other day. I am also so far having the best year of my life as I have been searching out the bright and beautiful in every day. So, as I come out from my wintery cocoon, I'll stretch, take a deep breath and start to share some of these things and the many other random thoughts that swirl around in my head every day. Plus a lot of lovely beautiful things, I am discovering online as a result of trespassing across other blogs!
The combination of some vitamin D and a sharp cool breeze has blown away my winter cobwebs and brought me back to life. I have energy. I am antsy. I am ready to go! I think I am coming out of hibernation and as spring starts to peek out from behind the clouds, I am finding a spring in my step once again.
So it's no surprise that my decision to dip my toe into the inviting but also slightly intimidating ocean of blogging coincides with a surge of spring energy. I am sure other people are busy cleaning out cupboards and using those power washers on their patios but since those aren't options for me (cupboards beyond help, balcony covered in hockey gear, bikes and dead plants) I thought I'd start to write.
All things bright and beautiful is the first line of a hymn I used to sing at school. It is a spring like hymn and popped into my head the other day. I am also so far having the best year of my life as I have been searching out the bright and beautiful in every day. So, as I come out from my wintery cocoon, I'll stretch, take a deep breath and start to share some of these things and the many other random thoughts that swirl around in my head every day. Plus a lot of lovely beautiful things, I am discovering online as a result of trespassing across other blogs!
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About Me
- Louise
- I'm 27, living in the most beautiful city in the world that I've now been calling home for 2 years -- Vancouver. I work in communications, love to write, talk, dream and soak up as much of life as I can. This blog is to capture all things bright and beautiful and remind myself to look for the bright and beautiful in every day.